:: Volume 13, Issue 3 (7-2015) ::
Int J Radiat Res 2015, 13(3): 201-204 Back to browse issues page
Post-operative radiotherapy of keloids. A 10-years experience of kilovoltage irradiation
A. Pontoriero , A. Potami , G. Iatì , S. Comitini , M. Venza , N. Settineri , S. Pergolizzi , C. De Renzis
Department of Biomedical Sciences and Morphological and Functional Images, University of Messina, Messina, Italy , apontoriero@unime.it
Abstract:   (7452 Views)

Background: Keloids are benign fibrous dermal tumors originating from skin injury after surgery, piercing or others wounds. Materials and Methods: Sixty-two patients with keloids were treated postoperatively using orthovoltage irradiation. The total dose delivered was 12 Gy in three consecutive days, 4Gy per fraction. Treatment started 24 h after surgery. The median follow-up was 44.5 months. Results: Grade 1 erythema was observed in 48% of patients (30/62) 20/62 patients (32%) showed telangiectasia and altered skin pigmentation as late toxicities. In 10/62 (16%) a clinical relapse was observed. Conclusion: The postoperative orthovoltage radiotherapy for keloids is a valid and tolerated method that reduces the risk of recurrence. Aims: evaluate the role of post-operative superficial orthovoltage radiotherapy in the management of keloids.

Keywords: Keloids, kilovoltage, radiotherapy
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Type of Study: Original Research | Subject: Radiation Biology

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