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:: Volume 21, Issue 3 (7-2023) ::
Int J Radiat Res 2023, 21(3): 601-604 Back to browse issues page
Micronucleus assay in the blood of residents in Mamuju, West Sulawesi, Indonesia, a high background radiation area
N. Khoirunnisa , S. Purnami , D. Tetriana , D. Dasumiati , D. Ramadhani , H.N.E. Surniyantoro , M. Syaifudin
Research Center for Radioisotopes, Radiopharmaceuticals and Biodosimetry Technology, Research Organization for Nuclear Energy (ORTN), National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Tangerang Selatan, Banten, Indonesia , harr005@brin.go.id
Abstract:   (1333 Views)
Background: Mamuju is regarded as a high background radiation location (HBRA). The local population's cells may be harmed by the high ionizing radiation dosage in this region. Micronuclei (MN), nucleoplasmic bridges (NPB), nuclear buds (NBUD), and 8-shaped blood cells can be used to detect cytogenetic abnormalities. By comparing blood samples from HBRA to control site samples, this study focused on determining the impacts of high-risk levels of natural radiation in the cells. Material and Methods: The study employed a cytokinesis-block micronucleus cytome (CBMN Cyt) test. Results: In comparison to the control group, the study group had a higher nuclear division index (NDI) and a higher frequency of all abnormalities. The formation of MN and 8-shaped nuclei was significantly influenced by high natural radiation, whereas levels of NPB and NBUD were not significantly affected. Cytogenetic abnormalities were within normal limits and did not correlate with age or gender. Conclusion: Chronic high background radiation exposure impacted human lymphocyte cell growth and the levels of certain biomarkers.
Keywords: CBMN cyt assay, cytogenetic abnormalities, high background radiation area, Mamuju residents
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Type of Study: Short Report | Subject: Radiation Biology
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Khoirunnisa N, Purnami S, Tetriana D, Dasumiati D, Ramadhani D, Surniyantoro H et al . Micronucleus assay in the blood of residents in Mamuju, West Sulawesi, Indonesia, a high background radiation area. Int J Radiat Res 2023; 21 (3) :601-604
URL: http://ijrr.com/article-1-4923-en.html

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Volume 21, Issue 3 (7-2023) Back to browse issues page
International Journal of Radiation Research
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