Background: Miniature neutron sources with high neutron flux have abundant applications in medicine, industry and researches. The most important general characteristic of miniature neutron sources is their diameter which is 3mm in average. In this research, we have surveyed and designed an Am-Be miniature neutron source fabrication.
Materials and Methods: This investigation resulted in creation of an Am-Be neutron source, using beryllium metal powder with 98% carat and 100-200 |µm mesh and Americium source with activity of about 200 |µCi. Neutron source designing was performed under safety and protective factors. The system was designed in two different forms based on the fluent yield of neutron or cut off neutron yield.
Results: The mean neutron flux of miniature neutron source was measured as 1.14 (n/sec.cm2), and it was calculated as 2.56 (n/sec.cm2) by MCNP (4C) code. Due to purity and mesh of beryllium, which were not calculated by MCNP code, the calculated flux via Monte Carlo method was approximately 2 times larger than neutron flux from fabricated miniature neutron sources.
Conclusion: In order to fabricate the miniature neutron sources Am- Be with high efficiency, the americium sources with high activity and the target material (Be) in different forms are required.