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:: Volume 21, Issue 3 (6-2023) ::
Int J Radiat Res 2023, 21(3): 459-468 Back to browse issues page
Radiation safety and radiation monitoring practices among medical radiation workers in Malaysia
S.F. Mohd Ridzwan , L. Fritschi , N. Bhoo-Pathy
Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia , nirmala.bhoopathy@ummc.edu.my
Abstract:   (1727 Views)
Background: The Background: To assess the radiation protection and radiation monitoring practices among medical radiation workers (MRWs) in Malaysian hospitals, and to identify demographic and occupational factors influencing the consistent use of radioprotective garments and dosimeters. Materials and Methods: A link to an online survey was distributed to MRWs with the help of research coordinators at participating hospitals. A total of 387 respondents answered the online survey between April and June 2019. They reported the consistency with which they used radioprotective garments, dosimeters and other protective measures, together with the reasons for inconsistency. We then compared consistent and inconsistent groups by demographic and occupational data. Results: The respondents exhibited excellent adherence to radiation protection but showed poor adherence to radiation monitoring. The main reasons for non-use of radioprotective garments were inadequate items and the need to prioritize others. Forgetfulness and fear of losing dosimeters were the common reasons for the non-consistent use of monitoring devices. Radiologists were the most consistent group using radioprotective garments compared to other job positions (p<.050). Middle-aged respondents were more consistent in using radioprotective aprons than younger respondents (p<.005). Work schedule, institution and gender also influenced the consistency of using radioprotective garments and dosimeters. Conclusion: There is an urgent need to improve the personal dosimeter adherence rate in this country and any shortage of radioprotective garments should be tackled immediately. Ultimately, it is crucial to understand the workers’ tasks and their safety measures to avoid underestimating occupational radiation exposure and risk.
Keywords: medical radiation worker, radiation dosimeter, radiation protection, radioprotective apron, thyroid shield.
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Type of Study: Original Research | Subject: Radiation Biology
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Mohd Ridzwan S, Fritschi L, Bhoo-Pathy N. Radiation safety and radiation monitoring practices among medical radiation workers in Malaysia. Int J Radiat Res 2023; 21 (3) :459-468
URL: http://ijrr.com/article-1-4870-en.html

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International Journal of Radiation Research
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