Background : There are growing evidences for chromosomal radioadaptive response in human lymphocytes . Highly variable inter- and intra-individual responses have been reported. Some individuals are non-responders and even in some donors the frequency of chromatid aberrations induced by a challenge dose increases by pre-exposure to an adapting dose. It has been proposed that the lack of radioadaptive response is due to transient physiological factors.
Materials and Methods : We found a young healthy donor who exhibited no radioadaptive response in our initial experiments. After a common adapting dose, the donor occasionally showed a highly increased susceptibility to subsequent high-dose irradiation. To assess whether the lack of radioadaptive response and the induction of a synergistic effect are transient responses , we have performed a 3-year follow-up study employing micronuclei in binucleated cells besides chromatid aberrations as biological endpoints. To eliminate the effect of the cell cycle on intrinsic radiosensitivity of a cell, we used the multiple-fixation regimen for analysis of chromosomal aberrations.
Results : This donor showed no adaptive response in any experiment.
Conclusion : Considering the consistent non-responsiveness observed throughout our serial experiments, it may be concluded that the lack of radioadaptive response is not attributed to some transient physiological factors but rather to permanent constitutional traits. Iran. J. Radiat. Res., 2003 1(1): 55 - 61.
S.M.J. Mortazavi, T. Ikushima, H. Mozdarani. Variablity of chromosomal radioadaptive response in human lymphocytes.. Int J Radiat Res 2003; 1 (1) :55-61 URL: