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:: Volume 21, Issue 1 (1-2023) ::
Int J Radiat Res 2023, 21(1): 131-137 Back to browse issues page
Simulation based analysis of 4He, 7Li, 8Be and 10B ions for heavy ion therapy
F. Ekinci , E. Bostanci , M.S. Güzel , O. Dagli
Ankara University, Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Besevler 10. Yıl Campus, Tandogan Ankara, Turkey , fatih.ekinci@hotmail.com.tr
Abstract:   (759 Views)
Background: The therapeutic usage of heavy ions has received much attention due to its advantageous physical and radiobiological assets compared to photon-based therapy. Thanks to these unique properties of heavy ion radiotherapy, it can allow dose increase in tumors while reducing the radiation dose in adjacent normal tissues. Materials and Methods: The main aim of this study is to analyze the LET, recoils, lateral scattering, and phonon energies of selected 4He, 7Li, 8Be and 10B heavy ions in the water phantom in the therapeutic energy range. This analysis was performed by using MC based TRIM simulation method of interactions. Results: The main innovation that this study will provide to the literature is not only ionization but also the calculation of recoils, lateral scattering and phonon oscillation resulting from all interactions. According to the calculation results, the largest recoils peak value was found to be 7.957 eV/A-ion×103 in the B ion, and it was observed that it formed an average of 88% more recoil peaks than He ion, 53% on average than Li ion and 24% more than Be ion on average. In the lateral scattering, the greatest value occurred in the He ion. It should be noted that He ion produced 42%, 57% and 71% more lateral scattering than Li, Be and B ions respectively. As a result of all these interactions, 32% of the phonon and 68% of the phonon were formed respectively by the recoil interactions. Conclusion: This study includes ionization and all particle-based target interactions.
Keywords: Heavy ion therapy, Bragg cure, recoil, lateral straggle, phonon.
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Type of Study: Original Research | Subject: Radiation Biology
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Ekinci F, Bostanci E, Güzel M, Dagli O. Simulation based analysis of 4He, 7Li, 8Be and 10B ions for heavy ion therapy. Int J Radiat Res 2023; 21 (1) :131-137
URL: http://ijrr.com/article-1-4599-en.html

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