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International Journal of Radiation Research
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Volume 12, Number 4 (2014-10)
Successful treatment of inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor by surgical resection and radiotherapy: A case report
Early onset radiation induced sarcoma of scalp: A case report
Comparison between Amperometric and Chemiluminescence methods in detection and dosimetry of cobalt-60 gamma ray emission
The future balance between training and demand for radiologists in Iran
Rectal wall dose estimation in intracavitary brachytherapy: A preliminary comparison of an in-house rectal wire versus ICRU 38 recommendations
Lessons learnt from errors in radiotherapy centers
Dose measurement outside of radiotherapy treatment field (Peripheral dose) using thermoluminesent dosimeters
The basic radiation properties of the N-isopropylacrylamide based polymer gel dosimeter
Assessment of molybdenum breakthrough levels in molybdenum-99/technetium-99m generators: One year experience at NIMRA Jamshoro Pakistan
Tissue inhomogeneity in proton therapy and investigation of its effects on BRAGG peak by using MCNPX code
Effect of acute tritiated water (HTO) exposure on Maze learning in adult Swiss albino mice
HVL evaluation of orthovoltage X-ray machine using EGSnrc code of simulation
Evaluation the early effects of single high dose radioiodine therapy on lacrimal gland function
Dosimetric comparison of two different whole brain radiotherapy techniques in patients with brain metastases: How to decrease lens dose?
Optimization of clinical target volume delineation using magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging (MRSI) in 3D conformal radiotherapy of prostate cancer
Optimum reckoning of contra lateral breast dose using physical wedge and enhanced dynamic wedge in radiotherapy treatment planning system
Prostate IMRT: Two-dimensional model of rectal NTCP employing the variability of rectal motion and rectum wall thickness
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