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International Journal of Radiation Research

Volume 12, Number 4 (2014-10)

Successful treatment of inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor by surgical resection and radiotherapy: A case report
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Early onset radiation induced sarcoma of scalp: A case report
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Comparison between Amperometric and Chemiluminescence methods in detection and dosimetry of cobalt-60 gamma ray emission
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

The future balance between training and demand for radiologists in Iran
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Rectal wall dose estimation in intracavitary brachytherapy: A preliminary comparison of an in-house rectal wire versus ICRU 38 recommendations
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Lessons learnt from errors in radiotherapy centers
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Dose measurement outside of radiotherapy treatment field (Peripheral dose) using thermoluminesent dosimeters
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

The basic radiation properties of the N-isopropylacrylamide based polymer gel dosimeter
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Assessment of molybdenum breakthrough levels in molybdenum-99/technetium-99m generators: One year experience at NIMRA Jamshoro Pakistan
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Tissue inhomogeneity in proton therapy and investigation of its effects on BRAGG peak by using MCNPX code
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Effect of acute tritiated water (HTO) exposure on Maze learning in adult Swiss albino mice
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

HVL evaluation of orthovoltage X-ray machine using EGSnrc code of simulation
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Evaluation the early effects of single high dose radioiodine therapy on lacrimal gland function
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]